Rural Exchange

Scottish Land Insights (SLI)

Welcome to Scottish Land Insights (SLI) – our home page for all matters concerning land in Scotland. There is growing competition and views on how we should our land. There are concerns around food security, tackling climate change, housing a growing population, and harvesting raw materials – all of which require land. Increased demands on our land is inflating land prices, with record levels recorded in recent years. There is growing interest from large companies and institutions in Scottish land, to use it to generate carbon credits which are sold (offsetting) or used to green their own credentials (insetting).

At SRUC we run several pieces of research about land use and changes to these usages, including in the Scottish Government’s Strategic Research Programme. Our core project at the Rural Policy Centre is called “Impacts of land-based financial support mechanisms on land values, landownership diversification and land use outcomes” where we look into how financial incentives are affecting land use and values. This website will keep you up-to-date with any recent developments of this project through blogs, articles, research reports and podcasts. We will also highlight interesting findings from other SRUC projects and recent media reports.

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